Banglalink Latest Songs from Unreleased Albums Bangla Dhol

April 23, 2015 | By | Reply More
on occasion of bangla new year, banglalink brings you something new,
bangla dhol (46465), a musical service for the music lovers where all
the latest songs from unreleased albums from popular artists are found.
this is a one stop solution for the latest bangla songs where users can
not only download full tracks on their mobile phones/pad but can also
set the desired song as amar tune (2222). in addition, upon
subscription, users will get music updates through sms alert.


the unsubscribed user can send registration request through any of
the access channel (sms/ivr) to subscribe the service. there is no
charge for ivr browsing.

  • to activate via ivr, just dial 46465 and follow instructions
  • to activate, send an sms “start” to 46465
  • auto renewal is applicable

respective, minutes, validity and charging will be informed to the subscriber through sms once successfully done.


  • to deactivate, send an sms “stop” to 46465


duration bundle subscription fee (tk) bundle minutes
30 days 25+vat 300
15 days 12.5+vat 150
7 days 5.83+vat 75
1 day 0.83+vat 10

once allocated minutes are over, subscriber can purchase further minute bundles as per the table below:

duration bundle subscription fee (tk) bundle minutes
30 days 25+vat 300
15 days 12.5+vat 150
7 days 5.83+vat 75
1 day 0.83+vat 10

*minutes balance will be updated real time
*subscriber will be able to check the remaining minutes through ivr by selecting the “help” while on ivr

currently, there are new fresh boishakhi songs on 46465. details are given below:

song name rbt code singers dac
abar jombey mela 5252013 leemon & chorus 46465147514
maati cholo 5252014 arfin rumi 46465147515
melay niya choll 5252015 kona 46465147516
golapi 5252016 naumi 46465147517
bangladesher dhol 5252017 leemon 46465147518
notun deener gaan 5252018 julee 46465147519
noboborsho 5252019 kornia 46465147520
rangila baishakh 5252020 belal khan & puja 46465147521

*dac: direct access code | with dac subscriber can just dial the code and listen to the song s/he wishes to listen.

tariff for rbt: subs: tk. 15 +vat/15 days, song download: tk. 15 +vat
to set a song as amar tune, type down<songcode> and send it to 2222

the song list will be updated as soon as a new album is released so that you always stay updated with new songs.

bangla dhol is available for both prepaid & postpaid subscribers (including call & control)

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Category: Banglalink

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