• pre-loaded tk.5 balance with 15 day validly which can be used for any banglalink service
  • lifetime validity for any amount recharged during the existing valid period
  • 50MB bonus internet will be valid for 3 days after receiving bonus
  • to know your outstanding internet balance, dial *124*5#
  • send up to 50 free sms to any banglalink number, valid for 10 days
  • to check your bonus sms, dial *124*4#
  • get the banglalink tune absolutely free for 30 days on banglalink tune
  • the amar tune service will start 6 days after the first outgoing call
  • the amar tune service will stop after 1 month of use
  • to extend the subscription, the subscriber needs to write start and sms to 2222 number
  • to one special fnf number, enjoy 5 paisa/ 10 seconds from 12 am to 4 pm and 10 paisa / 10 second from 4 pm to 12 am
  • call any number at 18.67 paisa/ 10 second 24 hours a day.

get 1GB internet pack at tk. 7 recharge with new connection

  • 1GB internet at only tk. 7 recharge
  • subscribers can buy 1GB internet pack at only tk.7 recharge with a validity of 7 days
  • new subscribers can get this pack maximum 7 times for up to 90 days since the date of activation
  • to check internet balance, dial *124*50#
  • type 1GB and send sms to 2500 for checking eligibility

get the best call-rate upon recharging tk.19 on your new connection

  • this offer is applicable for banglalink prepaid customers who have started using their connection on or after 18th march, 2016
  • new prepaid customers who have activated on or after 1st february, 2016 and did not recharge, they will be eligible for new offer as well
  • new customers will get special tariff of 25p/min on-net & 60p/min off-net with 1 second pulse on recharging exact tk. 19/39/59 at a time. special tariff on tk. 39 and tk. 59 recharge will be applicable only on first recharge. onwards, for special tariff, customer needs to recharge exactly tk. 19
  • tk. 39 and 59 recharge points will be restricted for rest of the banglalink customer base during offer period
  • tariff validity of special tariff will be 7 days, 15 days and 30 days respectively for tk. 19, 39 and 59 recharge
  • additionally, customers will get 39 min and 59 min bonus talk-time respectively on tk. 39 and tk. 59 recharge. to check bonus minute balance dial *124*7#
  • bonus validity will be 15 days and 30 days respectively for tk. 39 and tk.59 recharge and can be used to all local numbers (except fnf & sfnf)
  • special tariffs will not be applicable for bonus usage
  • customers availing this offer will not be eligible for any other special tariff or bonus offer
  • to unsubscribe, dial *166*237#. the deactivation will happen after 12 am
  • after de-registration, if the subscriber’s recharges tk.19 before 12am, the special tariff plan will be activated again for 7 days
  • the special call-rate will not be applicable after de-registration
  • the subscriber will return to his or her previous tariff plan after de-registration
  • if the new subscriber chooses to transfer package, then the special tariff will be deactivated
  • to migrate to the tariff again, dial *999*1*146# and recharge tk.19