How To Can Biometric Registration Check For Gp, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel, Teletalk Sim
Bangladeshi many Mobile phone users asked how to check Gp, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel, Teletalk SIM is biometric Registration, Today i will share with you how can to check Gp, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel, Teletalk SIM if already have already Done Biometric re Registration process, know how it done by your operator. It will save your time & you no need going for re-Registration Point. This SMS service is free from all the Bangladeshi mobile phone operators
Here is all code for BD mobile operators to check biometric Registration stats.
How to check Grameenphone Biometric SIM Re Registration?
For Gp you need to write REG and send SMS to 4949 to check if your Grameenphone SIM is registred or not
How to check Banglalink Biometric SIM Re Registration ?
For Banglalink, you need to dial *1600*1# to check if your Banglalink SIM is registred or not
How to check Robi Biometric SIM Re Registration ?
For Robi, dial *1600*1# to check if your Robi SIM is registred or not
How to check Teletalk Biometric SIM Re Registration ?
type Q and send message to 1600 to know about yout teletalk sim biometric stats.
How to check Airtel Biometric SIM Re Registration ?
dial *121*444# , to check if your Airtel SIM is registred or not
Category: Tips & Tricks
Ame Qatar ace gp sim amar satay acay ame deshay jacce to amar simta activ acay ki na ata bujbo ki babay
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