How to subscribe Hello Tunes through the internet? |
Go to |
in your mobile number in the ‘User box’. If your number is 011XXXXXXXX,
please type 11XXXXXXXX, therefore, omit the digit ‘0’ before the
on the ‘Subscribe’ button, which will take you to a new page where you
have to click ‘Obtain the Verification Code’ button. You will
immediately receive your verification code through SMS. Type in your
verification code and click on the ‘Register’ button. You will
immediately receive a confirmation message with the password.
Your Hello Tunes will be activated within the next 48 hours.
How to select Hello Tunes through the internet? |
which favorite tune you want to download. Click on the ‘Download’
button. Find out more about your selected Hello Tunes regarding tune ID,
validity of the tune, etc. Now click on the ‘Confirm’ button.
You will receive a confirmation message.
Click on the ‘RBT Setting’ button to set the tune in your mobile.
How to gift Hello Tune through internet? |
Only Hello Tunes subscribers can present their favorite Hello Tunes to their favorite persons. Follow the direction given below: |
Select your favorite tune and then click ‘Present’
your favorite person’s Citycell number in ‘The Number of Presentee’
box. (Keep in mind that you don’t have to type the first digit of the
favorite person will get confirmation through sms of this gift and
he/she will be able to set this tune in his/her mobile as Hello Tunes.
How to subscribe Hello Tunes through the IVRS? |
Dial *007 and select your preferred language.
Press 1 to register.
You will be asked for your password. Enter your desired 6-digit password and press #.
you forget the password, just go to the website, type in your mobile
number and click on the ‘Get the Password’ link and you will receive an
SMS with the password you set previously.
Your Hello Tunes will be activated within the next 48 hours.
How to select & present Hello Tunes through the IVRS? |
Dial *007 and select your preferred language.
2 in order to download your preferred Hello Tunes. After that, again
press 2 to directly input the tune ID along with the # button.
After listening to the tune, press 1 to download or press 2 to gift the tune to someone.
The song/tune details with tune ID is given below for your convenience.
You are also welcome to surf the Hello Tunes world to get your favorite tunes!
How to subscribe Hello Tunes through SMS? |
Type ‘reg’ and send it to 9999.
In return, you will receive the registration confirmation with a password via SMS to use in the website.
Your Hello Tunes will be activated within the next 48 hours.
How to select & present Hello Tunes through SMS? |
To set the default tune, type ‘settuneID’ and send to 9999 (For example: set18171).
To gift a tune to someone, type ‘prestuneID”phone number’ and send to 9999. (For example: pres181636 11XXXXXXXX).
To download one or multiple tunes, type ‘downtuneID”tune ID”tune ID’ and send to 9999 (For example: down181636 1814447 1812264).
To know details of the top five tunes by administration, type ‘qadmn’ and send to 9999.
Important Information about Hello Tunes |
How to add your own recorded tune (DIY) through IVRS? |
Dial *007 and select your preferred language
Press ‘5’ to start the procedure of recording your own tune
You will hear a recorded instruction
Press ‘1’ to start recording
Start recording after the beep
Press any key on your mobile to stop recording
Listen to your recorded tune before confirming it
Press ‘1’ to submit your recorded Hello Tune into your mobile
Please remember that your recorded Hello Tune will be activated within 48 hours from time of submission
How to add a DIY Hello Tune through internet? |
Click on the ‘DIY RBT’ button
Next click on the ‘DIY RBT Upload’ button
Select ‘RBT Name’ and ‘Classification’
Upload the DIY tune from its current location by clicking on the ‘ADD’ button
How to upload DIY through internet? |
Remember that the DIY tune format should be 8 bit, 8 Khz and WAV format (less than 500KB)
The DIY tune cannot be more than 60 seconds long.
How to select Hello Tunes according to category? |
will get the facility to select Tunes according to category only with
Citycell Hello Tunes. The categories are Bangla, English, Hindi/Urdu and
Rude Tunes. Moreover, there are sub-categories. For example under
Bangla category you will get sub-categories of film, folk, patriotic,
band music, Rabindra Sangeet, Harano Diner Gaan, and under Hindi/ Urdu
category- Hindi band, Hindi film music, Pakistani band, Gazals &
Quawalis, Solo and tunes of films/serials. Under English category- Pop,
HiP-Hop & RnB, Alternative, Soft, Heavy Metal, Rock, Reggae and
Latin and the sub-categories of Rude Tones are Instrumental, Funny
Tunes, Voice and Dialogues.
Instructions to select tunes according to category |
Dial *007 and select your language
Press 2 to download new tune
Press 5 to select according to your category
Then follow the instructions
Keep in mind: |
Content liability borne by respective content provider
Download fee per tune – Tk. 13 + VAT
Validity of each downloaded tune is 365 days (DIY tune validity is 300 days)
One time subscription fee for Hello Tunes is TK. 4.67 + VAT (Post-paid customers will be charged as per their billing cycle.)
fee for Hello Tunes is TK. 4.67 + VAT (total monthly fee Tk. 20 + VAT).
To avoid de-registration, please keep a minimum of TK. 5.37 to pay
after getting SMS notification to pay the fee. If such payment cannot be
taken from your account, then you will be de-registered from the
service. Please remember that if you get de-registered, your tune
library will be erased, and in addition, you shall have to pay your
subscription fee to register once again.