Grameenphone(GP)Unregistered SIM Registration SMS Method
Use of Illegal and Unregistered SIM is harmful for you and the country Know Grameenphone SIM Registration Method By SMS.
Grameenphone always strives to ensure uninterrupted use of your mobile use. As a responsible citizen of the state, to use mobile phone providing correct information and identification is your civic duty towards the country. Try to ensure safety and security of yours and your dear ones along with your country by providing correct information and encourage others to do the same. To update your current mobile phone user information, please send SMS according to the given directions below.
For Grameenphone, Robi, Airtel, Teletalk & Banglalink
Type in messege
Your National Identification number,<space>Date of Birth,<space>Name and send it to 1600
Example: 1983125435654, 10 Oct 1983, Mominul Islam & send it to1600. On the returning sms you will have the instructions to complete the process
- Updating data is applicable for all users (all prepaid and postpaid)
- User has to send the SMS only once
- No charge is applicable for the SMS
- For any query, call 121 (charge applicable) or contact your nearest GPC
Category: Grameenphone
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