Banglalink Internet users Check MB Balance
To check Banglalink 3G internet package balance just dial *222*3#
Banglalink 3G Internet Packages Price,Speed,Data
Volume,Activation Code are more important facts to the all of the
Banglalink operator users.Recently second largest mobile network
providers of Bangladesh has been launched their latest 3G internet packages with Price,Speed details ,Data Volume,Activation Code for their valuable subscribers.
Now all of the Banglalink operator users can enjoy high speed internet from both mobile and computer by subscribing with Banglalink 3G Internet Packages. Obviously it is great news for all of the Banglalink Subscribers.
What can you do with Banglalink 3G Internet Packages:
According to the Banglalink 3g internet provider, all of the Banglalink subscribers can you enjoy all kinds of 3g feature like below:
1.–> Banglalink 3G internet users can faster
download video songs,audio songs, video clip from you tube, high
resolution online images and other files and so on.
2.-> You can access high speed mobile internet on your cell phone ,smartphone even on your PC.
3.–>The quality of voice calls service is much more better in 3G network then 2G network services.
4.–>Banglalink 3G internet subscribers can use their cell phones for high speed internet access as long as they are stay under 3G network coverage.
5.–> Banglalink 3G internet package user
can enjoy both video call facility and normal call facility at a
time.Even they can be able to see live each other during speaking it is
only possible when both have 3G Network services and also must have
3G-enabled handsets like Samsung,iPhone, Symphony Xplorer W140, Sony xpera, Walton promo x2 mini smartphone and so on
6.–> Banglalink 3g internet Provides its users to send video emails and video clips like mp4, mp3,. avi format video etc. format to their best friends.
7.–> All of the Banglalink 3G internet users can enjoy Live TV programs on various channels on their smartphone while they are moving or running.
Banglalink 3G Internet Packages with Price,Speed,Data Volume,Activation Code
[Note:] All banglalink subscribers will be able to enjoy the maximum speed up-to 1 mbps.
Terms & cConditions of Banglalink 3G internet packages
1.–>To enjoy the Banglalink 3G internet packages speed, Subscribers need to be within 3G coverage areas.
2.–>15% vat applicable for all Banglalink 3G internet packages.
3.–>All subscribers will be charged at tk 0.01/10kb when the quota or data volume will be finished before package expires.
4.–>The speed may varies subject to device compatibility, usage pattern and subscriber location and so on.
5.–>All banglalink subscribers will be able to enjoy the maximum speed upto 1mbps.
6.–>To find consumed quota (data volume), subscribers need to dial *222*3#.
7.–>Data packs will have auto-renewal. to stop the package, dial *5000*6#.
8.–>Above mentioned data packages’ tariff plan will be valid till further notice.
For more information about Banglalink 3G internet packages : dial 77666 (free)
internet plan activate/Deactivate korar por akber holeo mobile OFF-On korun.Na korle-
* Internet Connection nao pete paren
* balance theke tk katte pare
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