Latest Song Album on banglalink music station 5858

January 13, 2015 | By | Reply More
Guess who’s latest Song album is being released in banglalink music station 5858 tomorrow?
Yes that’s right from tomorrow you’ll be able to Enjoy Here latest Music album of Warfaze shotto on banglalink music station 5858

how to activate banglalink music station

registration by ivr:just dial 5858 from your banglalink mobile and follow the simple instructions.

registration by sms:you can also subscribe to banglalink music station through sms. just type “start” and send sms to 5858 to subscribe now!

to unsubscribe, type “stop” and send sms to 5858.

upon successful subscription respective free minutes will be
allocated to you. once you subscribe to music station, you will receive a
sms informing you about how to use the service.

bundle minutes in music station (5858)

now you do not need to pay any charges for browsing. upon successful
subscription, you will be allocated free minutes. once allocated free
minutes are consumed, you can purchase minute bundles with respective

free minutes offer subscription validity charges
300 30 days tk. 25+vat
120 15 days tk. 12.5+vat
50 7 days tk. 5.83+vat
5 1 day tk. 0.83+vat

how to make own playlist

you can also create your own playlist of favorite songs with “my album” by pressing * while listening to the song and access those songs later from “my album” by pressing 9.

a wide range of channels & languages to choose from:

  • you can choose from more than 22 different music channels. and enjoy songs in 3 major languages – bengali, english and hindi.
  • set your preferred language by dialing 5858 and change it by entering channel number 88
  • to jump to any channel directly, dial 5858 followed by the channel number.

list of banglalink music station channel names and numbers:

channel no. channel name channel no. channel name
1 favorites 21 bollywood hindi pop
2 bengali new released 22 bengali sentimental
3 bengali popular 23 bollywood sentimental
4 bollywood latest 24 bengali dance
5 english hot hits 25 bollywood dance
6 bengali evergreen 26 bengali folk
7 exclusive channel 28 bengali devotional
8 song search 29 bollywood devotional
9 my album 30 bengali patriotic
10 bengali top of the month 31 special channel
11 bollywood evergrren 34 indian bangla
12 english evergreen 35 chittagong songs
13 bengali romantic 36 sylhet songs
14 bollywood romantic 37 dj mix music
15 bollywood movie hits 39 audio cinema
16 bollywood popular 55 friends album
17 bengali light music 66 channel guide
18 bollywood light music 70 celebrity special
19 bengali hot hit 79 habibs song
20 bollywood hot hits 88 settings

it’s easy to use

after subscribing to the service, just call 5858 to start listening to banglalink music station.

the first 6 channels presented to you have been customized keeping your language preference and channel in mind.

  • dial 5858 and enter the channel number.
  • you can also keep pressing 0 to skip channels.
  • to skip songs within a particular channel, press the # key.
  • at any point when you are listening to banglalink music
    station, if you want to know anything about the features, instructions
    or any other information, go to the help channel on number 10.
  • if you want to change your language setting on banglalink music station, go to channel 8
  • if you like a song on banglalink music station, just press the
    *key before the next song starts playing and repeat the song or add it
    to your album list.
  • once you add a song to your album list, you can go back to the next song of the last channel you were listening to.
  • you can add unlimited songs to your album list and listen to it
    anytime you want on channel number 9 after dialing 5858. you can delete
    and add as many songs as you like to keep your album refreshed.
  • upon consumption of free minutes, you can purchase minute bundles as per above denomination
  • if all free minutes are not consumed during subscription
    period, remaining balance will be carry forwarded during next renewal.
    note only previous subscription’s balance will be forwarded upon renewal

to make sure you never get bored, we keep refreshing the sequence and
type of songs every day and also program songs depending on the
time-of-the-day – so you get the real fm radio experience!


subscription fee: tk. 25.00 per 30 days. upon
successful subscription to 30 days, subscriber will be provided with 300
minutes of free browsing in 5858.

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Category: Uncategorized

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