Robi Magic Combo Bundle 3G Internet Data SMS & Voice

April 13, 2015 | By | Reply More
Robi Axiata Limited, a leading mobile phone operator has launched a
Magic bundle pack which is a combination of Internet, Voice and SMS.
Robi users can activate the Magic bundle pack; either by dialing USSD
code or through recharging specific amount from retail. This product is
designed to address the need of the users who are increasingly moving
towards a mix of data, voice and sms usage. Besides, the recharge amount
that has been set to activate this offer is well within the users
regular recharge amount.
Robi Magic Pack

Data Usable 24Hours
Voice Min Usable 24Hours
SMS Usable Time 12am-5PM

Robi Magic Combo Bundle Pack 1 
Price  23Tk (Including VAT)
3G 100MB + 20SMS(Any Operator) +10 min Robi + 10 min Other with 1day validity
Dial *8666*76# (Prepaid  only)

Robi Magic Combo Bundle Pack 2 Price  27Tk (Including VAT)
3G  75MB + 29SMS(Any Operator) +15 min Robi + 14 min Other with 3days validity
Dial *8666*76#(Prepaid  only) or (Prepaid Users recharge exactly 27Tk)

Robi Magic Combo Bundle Pack 3 Price 114Tk (Including VAT)
3G  199MB + 99SMS(Any Operator) +50 min Robi + 49 min Other with 15days validity
Dial *8666*78# (Prepaid  only) or (Prepaid Users recharge exactly 114Tk

Robi Magic Combo Bundle  Pack 4  Price 516Tk (Including VAT)
3G  1024MB + 399SMS(Any Operator) +200 min Robi + 199 min Other with 30days validity
 Dial *8666*79# (Prepaid  only) or (Prepaid Users recharge exactly 516Tk)

Robi Magic Combo Bundle  Pack 5  Price 746Tk (Including VAT)
3G  Unlimited internet FUP 3GB
+ After FUP 3GB customers can use additional 10GB more @ 256kbps,
600SMS(Any Operator) +300 min Robi + 300 min Other with 30days validity
Dial *8666*80# (Prepaid  only) or (Prepaid Users recharge exactly 746Tk)

Robi Magic Combo Bundle Pack 6  Price 1100Tk (Including VAT)
3G  Unlimited internet (FUP  6GB) with 30days validity
+ After FUP (6GB) customers can use additional 10GB more @ 256kbps
Dial *8444*009#  (Prepaid and Post-paid)  or (Prepaid Users recharge exactly 1100Tk)

Check  Internet balance Dial  *8444*88#
Check Robi-Robi Voice Min dial *222*2#
Check Robi-Other Voice Min dial *222*9#
Check SMS balance Dial  *222*12#

– Data volume can be used in 2G/3G network environment.
– Customers will get internet usage warning in 50%, 80% and 100% level.
– To
check internet balance dial *8444*88#, to check on-net minute dial
*222*2#, to check off-net minutes dial *222*9#, to check SMS dial
– All Prepaid customers can purchase all of the above combo packs.
– From the above packs all postpaid customers can only buy Unlimited: 2 data packs by dialing respective USSD code.

 Any time band restriction to use the allocated Internet?
ANS: For Interne and voice, No there is no time band restriction, you
can use any time of the day. For SMS Global time band restriction (from
17:00:00 Hrs to 23:59:59) will be applicable.

 Can I use the volume in both 2G & 3G network?
ANS: Yes data volume can be used in 2G/3G network environment.

 Can I use the full voice quota for onnet or offnet?
ANS: your Voice quota will be split in to on net and off-net (please see the table above).

 Who are eligible for the Combo pack?
ANS: All Robi Prepaid customers can purchase all of the above combo packs. Postpaid customers can buy only unlimited-2 pack.

 Any restriction to use the Voice volume?
ANS: Yes, On-net minute  for any Robi numbers fnf and priyo restriction as per global restriction.

 How can I check balance of purchase combo?
 Purchased items query code: Voice On-net : *222*2# Other *222*9#
 SMS query code: *222*12#
 Data query code: *8444*88#

 Packs are auto renewal or not?
ANS: No, not in auto renew

 Can I purchase same pack multiple times?
ANS: Yes, you can purchase multiple time. In case of Voice min and SMS
every quota will have separate validity based on pack purchase. In case
for data accumulation will happen and last pack validity will be treated
as total MB’s validity.

 Can I transfer balance?
ANS: Bundle minutes, internet or SMS cannot be transferred through balance transfer

 When the FUP will be applicable for unlimited pack?
ANS: For Unlimited-1: First 3GB will be in regular speed and additional 10 GB in 256 kbps speed.
For Unlimited-2: First 6 GB will be in regular speed and additional 10 GB in 256 kbps.

 When will pay per use start for unlimited packs?
ANS: For Unlimited-1 : After 13 GB usage customers will move to their
next available packs or in pay per use if no other packs are available.
For Unlimited-2: After 16 GB usage customers will move to their next
available packs or in pay per use if no other packs are available.

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