How To Set Up Airtel Caller Tune Active & Deactivate Code Song List
Now you Don’t have to find the Airtel Bd Caller tunes code through the website. For the 1st time you are getting the codes directly!

- Airtel Caller Tune Bangla songs code List
- Airtel Caller Tune English Songs codes List
- Airtel Caller Tune Hindi songs codes
Airtel Bd Caller Tunes Subscription
- Just dial Call Caller Tunes IVR 788
- Send SMS to 3123- >Type CT ACT & send SMS to 3123
- Go to Airtel web then log into Airtel e-portal -> Caller Tunes
- Go to Airtel STK Menu: Airtel > Self Service > Ring back Tone > Subscribe
To Download
- Just dial Call Caller Tunes IVR 788 to purchase and set songs as you like
- Send sms to 3123 -> Type CT & send SMS to 3123
- Airtel STK Menu
- Step 1: Airtel> Self Service>Ring Back Tone>Song
Selection>Song of the month/List of Song>Top ten English/ Top ten
Bangla/ Top ten Eastern - Step 2: You will receive a reply SMS including the code of requested songs
- Step 3: Airtel> Self Service>Ring Back Tone>Song Selection>Enter Code
- Step 1: Airtel> Self Service>Ring Back Tone>Song
- Go to Airtel web then log into Airtel e-portal -> Caller Tunes
Main Features
- Music Box: Turn your cell phone into a personal stereo by
creating your own music box, which will include different tunes,
which will be played automatically in a sequential order - Dedicated Tone: you can preset different Caller Tunes for
unlimited callers. Customize your preferred Caller Tunes for your
friends’ number(s) for on net, off net, BTTB Number & for
International too. - Time Based Settings: Time based selection is “for all”, where tunes will be played for specific duration of the day.
- Profile MRBT: Profile tune selection when you want specific profile
tune to be played like when you are in sleep, in a meeting etc - Copy Caller Tunes: you can Copy tune from other Airtel Caller Tunes Subscribers only by:
- Simply press * and Copy the tune while you are listening to caller party’s song
- Send SMS to 3123 (you must know the song ID)
- Call IVR 788 (you must know other party’s cell number)
- Bookmark: You can save favourite songs under bookmark section
for future use. Saving songs in Bookmark will not charge, but when
you set any song from Bookmark list to any of the feature then Song
Download charge will be applicable - Cricket MRBT: Whenever BD international cricket match starts in
Bangladesh Airtel Caller Tunes subscriber can subscribe to “Cricket
MRBT” Feature and listen to live Cricket score during on going
matches. This is a separate Subscription based service.
Service Charge
Subscription & Download | Tariff BDT |
Monthly Subscription Charge | 30 TK> |
Song/Tune Download Charge | 10 TK Per Download |
ALL Charges are excluding 15 % VAT
Charging Criteria | Tariff BDT |
IVR | 2 per Min ( 60 Sec Pulse) |
SMS | 2 per SMS |
WEB | No Charges on web Browse only on content download |
ALL Charges are excluding 15 % VAT
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