February 11, 2015 | By | Reply More
 ENJOY UPTO 300 Kbps DOWNLOAD SPEED with 4GB data at 1000tk in ZOOM ULTRA
Citycell has launched new campaign for our esteemed Zoom Ultra customers.

Ultra Saver Prepaid Plans is as below:

Plan Name : USVR
Speed Up to : 300 Kbps
Limit (GB) : 4 GB
Subscription  Fee : 1,000Tk
Validity : 120 days (4 months)


• Speed refers to download speed only
• Extra Usage Fee* (Tk 0.001/KB) applicable
• Limited time offer
• 15% VAT will be applicable
• This offer is not applicable with any other promotional offer

However, please note if currently your Citycell Zoom Ultra number has any Ultra plan active you are requested to write zoom off from your SMS option and send it to 9666 to off your pervious data plan. You will receive a confirmation sms of de-activation of your previous data plan.

Then to activate the Pre-paid Ultra Saver Plan, Type ‘USVR’ and send SMS to 9666. You will receive an acknowledgement SMS of your activation request and after that you will receive a confirmation sms of activation of your new data plan. You are requested not to log in until receiving the final data product activation confirmation sms.

Please note that , the balance will be deducted at the time of first ‘log in’ after activation; validity for USVR will be till 120 days from the first ‘log in’. If the usage limit crosses within the validity period, zoom will be charged as per the extra usage fee*. Also note if the usage limit finished before the validity expire you may activate another data plan maintaining the above mentioned de activation process.

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