GP New Start-up Offer!
GP prepaid connection with just Tk. 149, you can enjoy 11 paisa/10 second call rate upon ANY RECHARGE AMOUNT, to ANY NUMBER at ANY TIME OF THE DAY! Every new connection also comes preloaded with BDT 10 talk time, 150 SMS and 30 MB Internet.
Eligible Customers:
Prepaid customers (Nishchinto, djuice, Ekota-1customers) activated on or after 10th Jul 2013 will enjoy following Start-up campaign.
Detailed offer:
A) Recharge Based Lower Tariff
New prepaid customer (except Amontron) will recharge any amount and get 11 paisa/10 sec tariff any time to any number (local mobile and PSTN)
- Customers who have activated their prepaid connections on or after 1st July 2013 will only enjoy this offer
- The validity of this lower tariff is 30 days including the day of recharge
- This tariff would be applicable for 24 hours to any local operator (GP-GP & GP-other operators, F&F, Super F&F, PSTN)
- Customer who will enjoy this offer will not get instant cash-back
- If customer opts for My Zone, they will enjoy My Zone tariff in GP-GP (AS IS)
- Customers under this offer can continue enjoying 4.17 paisa/10 second, 11 paisa/10 second (upon recharging Tk. 70) and/or 7 paisa/10 second offers, if they are eligible for those offer
- Customer will enjoy this tariff even after they migrate to other price-plan (Shohoj, Bondhu, Aapon, djuice, Smile, Amontron, Spondon, Ekota 2)
- Amontron new customer will get Amontron start-up offer as per that modality even after they migrate to Nishchinto after activation
B) Preloaded talk time, SMS and Internet:
1. SMS | 150 GP-GP SMS |
2. Internet | 30 MB |
3. Talk time | Tk. 10 |
Bonus Modality of SMS:
- Preloaded 150 GP-GP SMS on SIM activation will be given with validity for 30 days
- Free SMS will be distributed within 72 hours of activation and subscriber will get SMS notification just after disbursement
- To know the free SMS balances, subscribers need to dial *566*2#(Free)
Internet bonus modality:
- Subscribers will get the initial 30MB free data within 72 hours of the SIM activation date
- Validity of data is 7 days
- Subscribers will get a SMS notification just after free disbursement
- To know the internet balance, subscriber need to dial *566*60# (Free)
15% VAT is applicable on all charges
Category: Uncategorized