Grameenphone Get Maximus M315m Handset

February 4, 2015 | By | Reply More
Grameenphone and maximus has come together to offer maximus M315m handset at a very attractive price. Under this offer, any prepaid customer who will purchase maximus M315m Handset at BDT 1,950 will be able to enjoy 150MB internet at BDT 25 (+VAT) with 15 days validity. 

This internet purchase can be made maximum 6 times during the next 3 months from the day of first valid tagging. Customers need to stay bundled with maximus M315m handset and GP connection during the applicable data disbursement period.
To avail this offer, customers need to Tag themselves first, by dialing 4724 (FREE) from their newly purchased maximus M315m handset. After 72 hours of tagging, customers need to send the registration SMS to 4724 (FREE). The Keyword is Y.
Customers need to write Y and send to 4724 to avail 150MB internet each time and charge is applicable.
If a customer consumes the 150 MB data volume before the expiry date, s/he will be charged BDT 0.01/10KB till the end of the ongoing validity period and internet will be deactivated unless h/she subscribes to any other paid GP internet package or avails the 150MB at BDT 25 offer again.

Further details of the offer are provided below:

  • Only existing and new Grameenphone prepaid customers can avail this offer by purchasing maximus M315m handset. This offer is not applicable postpaid customers.
  • Handset price is BDT 1,950 (without connection price).
  • To avail this offer, customers need to Tag themselves by dialing 4724 (FREE) from their newly purchased maximus M 315m handset.
  • To avail 150MB internet at BDT 25, customers need to register for the offer by writing Y and sending it to 4724 (FREE) after 72 hours of tagging, Customers will receive data disbursement notification through SMS. If any customer’s status is barred then that customer will not receive the data and charge is not applicable.
  • Eligible customers can avail this offer maximum six times in three months after tagging (15 days validity).
  • Customers need to stay bundled with Handset +SIM during the applicable data disbursement period.
  • Customers need to write Y and send to 4724 to avail 150MB internet each time and charge is applicable.
  • If a customer consumes the 150 MB data volume before the expiry date, s/he will be charged BDT 0.01/10KB till the end of the ongoing validity period and Internet will be deactivated unless h/she subscribes to any other paid GP internet package or avails the 150MB at BDT 25 offer again.
  • Prepaid customers can check the balance by dialing *500*60# (Free of cost).
  • In prepaid, the data volume will be added to the existing package volume that the customer might be already using.
  • If any prepaid customer migrates from one package to another package then the unused internet volume will be added in this new package.
  • No Auto-renewal feature will be available.
  • To stop this Internet offer customer needs to send SMS STOP to 5000 (FREE).
  • Existing Internet P2, P3, Smart plan customers will not get this Internet offer.
  • GPPP, VP, and PCO customers will not be able to avail this offer.
  • Customer will get after sales service as per maximus standard after sales service policy from their service points.
  • This handset will be sold exclusively from Grameenphone sales outlet.
  • This offer will continue until stock lasts.
  • 15% VAT applicable on all charges.

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