Grameenphone STAR Customers can get discount new Nokia Lumia Handset
- This offer is valid for new smart phone purchase only, STAR Customer cannot take away the money worth of their old handset without purchasing the new handset
- Handset with the operating system – Symbian S60 and S^3, iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry will be eligible for this exchange offer
- Handsets offered under this campaign are – Lumia 920, Lumia 820, Lumia 720, Lumia 620, Lumia 520
- If the old smart phone is eligible to exchange then a STAR Customer will get minimum BDT 2000 discount on Nokia Lumia Handset
Grameenphone and its Employee have no connection in valuation of old Smartphone. Nokia, it’s representatives and associates are fully authorized in determining the value of the old Smartphone.
This offer is available in selected Grameenphone Centers. Addresses of Selected Grameenphone Centers are:
- Grameenphone Center Mirpur, Rabiul Plaza, Plot No- 1/kha,Section-1, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
- Grameenphone Center Farmgate, 71 Kaji Najrul Islam Avenue, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215
- Grameenphone Center Gulshan, House# CES(A) 1A, Road# 113, Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212
Category: Uncategorized