New SIM active korar niyom
Amar new BanglaLink sim kivabe Active korbo?
Apnake Notun BanglaLink sim active korte 123 number e call korun.
Dhonnobad Banglalink er sathe thakar jonno.

I want to activate my teletalk 3g sim?
to teletalk network. new 3g sim chalu korte aage apni apnar
registration form e jei national id card no. ti use korechhen sheti sms
korte hobe. type NID space <20 digit nid code> ar send korun 888
e. form ar sms e pathano no. same hole within 72 hours sim ti chalu hoe
jabe. then 1515 dial kore apnar sim ti chalu kore nin
Apnake Notun BanglaLink sim active korte 123 number e call korun.
Dhonnobad Banglalink er sathe thakar jonno.

I want to activate my teletalk 3g sim?
to teletalk network. new 3g sim chalu korte aage apni apnar
registration form e jei national id card no. ti use korechhen sheti sms
korte hobe. type NID space <20 digit nid code> ar send korun 888
e. form ar sms e pathano no. same hole within 72 hours sim ti chalu hoe
jabe. then 1515 dial kore apnar sim ti chalu kore nin
Category: Uncategorized