Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh
All Bangladeshi Mobile Phone subscribers at the end of February 2014
01. Grameenphone Ltd. (GP): 4 core 82 lac 13 thousands.
02. Banglalink Digital Communications Limited (Banglalink): 2 core 90 lac 51 thousands.
03. Robi Axiata Limited (Robi): 2 core 57 lac 45 thousands.
04. Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Airtel): 83 lac 62 thousands.
05. Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. (Teletalk): 32 lac 12 thousands.
06. Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (Citycell): 13 lac 98 thousands.
N.B- Total number of Subscribers are : 11 core 59 lac 82 thousands
Category: Uncategorized