How To Start Gp News services

January 11, 2015 | By | Reply More
Now you can get latest news of different newspapers, TV channels & online news sources from 22000 via your mobile phone. Here you will get news update by dialing/SMS to 22000. Just choose the option convenient for you:

|News Call|
Grameenphone News Call provides you the opportunity to get the updated news as it happens. You just need to dial 22000 & you will get different newspapers, TV channels & online news sources to choose. By dialing 22000 you will get the news of below the sources:
    1.Prothom Alo 2.The Daily Star 4.BBC Bangla 5.ATN Bangla 6.Channel I 7.Other Media News
    Under other Media news, you will get the news of below the sources:
    1. Bangla Vision 2. RTV 3. nTV 4. Boishakhi 5. Independent 6. Maasranga

    Besides, you will get your district’s news by dialing directly to the respective codes as per below table:
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/Minute (15% VAT).

|Subscription based news service|

For news there are subscription based services as well as Push-pull based.

    Breaking News:
You can get breaking news service only by SMS Start b 22000 and get maximum 4 Alert/day. To unsubscribe, SMS Stop b to 22000.
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/Alert (+15% VAT)
Breakfast News:
You can get Breakfast news service only by SMS Start m to 22000 and get maximum 1 Alert/day. To unsubscribe, SMS Stop m to 22000
    Tariff: BDT 1.00/Alert (+15% VAT)
 Business News:
Now you can get the news related to business. To get Business News alert just SMS Start bn and send to 22000 and you will get maximum 1 Alert/day. To unsubscribe, SMS Stop bn to 22000
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/Alert (+15% VAT).
Mid day News:
You can subscribe to Mid day news service to get the news alert at 2-3PM. To get Mid day News alert just SMS Start md and send to 22000. You will get maximum 1 Alert/day. To unsubscribe, SMS Stop md to 22000.
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/Alert (+15% VAT).
Evening News:
You can subscribe to Evening news service to get the news alert at the evening. To get Evening News alert just SMS Start mn and send to 22000 and get maximum 1 Alert/day. To unsubscribe, SMS Stop mn to 22000.
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/Alert (+15% VAT).

|Push Pull based News Service|

    Instant News:
You can enjoy instant news, SMS n or news to 22000 and you will get reply SMS with recent news.
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/SMS (+15% VAT).
 Hourly News:
You can get push-pull based hourly news. You will get a reply sms when you write the specific keyword and send to 22000. To get this service, type news00 to news23 or n00 to n23 and send to 22000. You will get reply SMS containing hourly news updates.
    Tariff: BDT 2.00/SMS (+15% VAT).

Name of Division Districts Code Direct dial codes Name of Division Districts Code Direct dial codes
Dhaka Dhaka 01 200011 Chittagong Bandarban 18 200028
Manikgonj 02 200012 Rangamati 19 200029
Gajipur 03 200013 Khagrachari 20 200030
Mymensingh 04 200014 Cox’s bazar 21 200031
Narayangonj 05 200015 Chittagong 22 200032
Tangail 06 200016 Fani 23 200033
Matharipur 07 200017 Noakhali 24 200034
Jamalpur 08 200018 Lakshmipur 25 200035
Munsigonj 09 200019 Comilla 26 200036
Gopalgonj 10 200020 Brahmonbaria 27 200037
Sherpur 11 200021 Chandpur 28 200038
Kishoregonj 12 200022 Rajshahi Bogra 29 200039
Norsinghdi 13 200023 Jaipurhat 30 200040
Shariatpur 14 200024 Naogaon 31 200041
Netrokona 15 200025 Natore 32 200042
Rajbari 16 200026 Nawabganj 33 200043
Faridpur 17 200027 Pabna 34 200044
Khulna Bagerhat 37 200047 Rajshahi 35 200045
Chuadanga 38 200048 Sirajganj 36 200046
Jessore 39 200049 Barisal Barguna 51 200061
Jhenaidah 40 200050 Barisal 52 200062
Khulna 41 200051 Bhola 53 200063
Kushtia 42 200052 Jhalokati 54 200064
Magura 43 200053 Pirojpur 55 200065
Meherpur 44 200054 Potuakhali 56 200066
Narail 45 200055 Rangpur Dinajpur 57 200067
Satkhira 46 200056 Gaibandha 58 200068
Sylhet Habiganj 47 200057 Kurigram 59 200069
Maulvibazar 48 200058 Lalmonirhat 60 200070
Sunamganj 49 200059 Nilphamari 61 200071
Sylhet 50 200060 Panchagarh 62 200072
Rangpur 63 200073

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