Teletalk All Prepaid Packages & Call Rate

January 13, 2015 | By | Reply More

To know Your Current Teletalk Package & Number 
Type WHOAMI & send To 321 Or Type Tar & send To 222

Teletalk Migration procedure:
To Migrate to Ekush, Write “21” and send SMS to 555.
To Migrate to PCO, Write “pco” and send SMS to 555.
To Migrate to Bijoy, Write “bij” and send SMS to 555.
To Migrate to Shadheen, Write “sha” and send SMS to 555.
To Migrate to Shadheen66, Write “66” and send SMS to 555.
To Migrate to Standard Prepaid, Write “nor” and send SMS to 555.

You Can check  
Teletalk How to Set/Add/Delete/Change/Check FNF

Shadheen 66
:: Connection charge: Tk. 399, Initial free talk time 250 minutes (equivalent to Tk. 200, 50% on-net, 50% off-net) and SMS Tk. 100.   
:: Talk time 125 minutes (equivalent to Tk. 100, 50% on-net, 50% off-net) will be provided on Tk. 50 recharge within 30 days from activation.   
:: Talk time 125 minutes (equivalent to Tk. 100, 50% on-net, 50% off-net) will be provided upon Tk. 50 recharge within next 30 days.   
:: 10 second pulse.   
:: 3 FnF numbers, [Teletalk numbers at only Tk. 0.05/10s & Other operators at Tk. 0.10/10s]
Tariff/Charges: 24 hour
16paisa/10sec+VAT(96paisa/min+VAT) to any number 24 hour
Migrate : Type “66” send to 555

:: 4 FnF numbers, [2 Teletalk numbers at only Tk. 0.25/min, 2 Other operators at Tk. 0.90/min]
Tariff/Charges (Promotion):
Call Categories—– —[8 am-5 pm] —–[5 pm-12 am] —-[12 am-8 am]
Teletalk to Teletalk –Tk. 0.1583/10s—Tk. 0.1583/10s—Tk. 0.0417/10s
Teletalk to Others—-Tk. 0.1583/10s—-Tk. 0.2333/10s—-Tk. 0.1583/10s

:: Connection charge: Tk. 166. Initial free talk time 90 minutes on-net, 22 minutes off-net and 10 SMS.
:: 1 second pulse.
:: 4 FnF numbers, [Teletalk numbers at only Tk. 0.25/min & Other operators at Tk. 0.65/min].
:: Only Tk. 0.011 per second rate in off-peak and Tk. 0.02 per second rate in peak hours.
Call Categories —8 am-12 am — 12 am-8 am
Teletalk to Teletalk –Tk. 0.02/sec —Tk. 0.011/sec
Teletalk to Others—-Tk. 0.02/sec—Tk. 0.011/sec
Pulse 1 second [Nationwide] , 15 second [International]

:: Connection charge: Tk. 150. Initial free talk time 50 minutes [25 minutes on-net, 25 minutes off-net], 300 free SMS [275 on-net, 25 off-net] and 10MB free GPRS usage.
:: Free talk time of another 100 minutes [50 minutes +50 minutes] will be given in next 2 months subject to recharge.
:: 9 FnF numbers, [Teletalk numbers at only Tk. 0.25/min & Other operators at Tk. 0.65/min].
:: 300 Free SMS for on-net use subject to recharge of any amount in every month.
Call Categories –8 am-12 am — 12 am-8 am
Teletalk to Teletalk -Tk. 0.20/10s—-Tk. 0.0417/10s
Teletalk to Others—Tk. 0.20/10s—-Tk. 0.1083/10s

Shapla (Prepaid)
:: Connection : Tk. 599.00 with initial free talk time Tk. 20.
:: 1 second pulse.
:: No security deposit.
:: Minimum monthly bill Tk. 500, It will be waived if no use in full month (Billing Cycle).
:: Monthly uses less then Tk. 500, The tariff will be charged Tk. 0.90/min (1 Sec pulse).
:: Migration from postpaid to prepaid, postpaid deposit will be added as prepaid talktime.
Tariff/Charges: Any Time
Teletalk to Teletalk Tk. 0.015/sec
Teletalk to Others Tk. 0.015/sec

:: FnF applicable for 3 numbers [Teletalk Tk. 0.75/min and other operators Tk. 1.25/min].
:: Life long validity.
Call Categories –Peak [8 am-12 am]—-Off Peak [12 am-8 am]
Teletalk to Teletalk— Tk. 0.2333/10s —-Tk. 0.10/10s
Teletalk to Others—-Tk. 0.3167/10s —-Tk. 0.1667/10s

For all teletalk users
SMS Tk. 0.50 [Nationwide] / Tk. 2.00 [International]
Voice SMS Tk. 2.00/sms

Teletalk FnF Activation Procedure:
Teletalk to Teletalk:
Write ADD 0155XXXXXXX 0155XXXXXXX 0155XXXXXXX and send SMS to 363
Teletalk to other operator:
Write ADD 0155XXXXXXX 0721XXXXXX 017XXXXXXXX and send SMS to 363
FnF for Shadheen:
Write ADD 0155XXXXXXX 0155XXXXXXX 02XXXXXXX 017XXXXXXX and send SMS to 363.

Delete & Check FnF.
To delete FnF, Write DEL and send SMS to 363. For checking your FnF, Write SEE and send SMS to 363.

Change FnF.
You may change your FnF numbers after 7 days form activation. Changing procedure is same as new FnF activation.

Complain Helpline -Dial 158 free to Complain
Customer Care 1234, 01550157750,01550157760

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