Upgrade 2G to Teletalk 3G at Charge 20 Taka
Upgrade Your Teletalk 2G Sim to Teletalk 3G SiM at Charge Only 20 Taka
Type “Y3G” send to 555
Teletalk internet configurations
Type “Set” send to 738 . Reply SMS [password cyle “1234” dia]
Teletalk Internet Plans 2G & 3G here
SIM 3G hoe gele 2G network a sim use kora jai.
1.Phone Setting a Network Setting “dual Mode” rakle,
-3G,2G network aksate pele 3G use hbe
-2G net pele[3G net na pele] 2G use korbe
2.Phone Setting a Network Setting “2G/GSM” select kore rakle shudu 2G network use hbe.So 3G network thakleo use hbena.
3.Phone Setting a Network Setting “3G/WCMA/HSPA” select kore rakle shudu 3G network use hbe.So 2G network thakleo use hbena.
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