Category: Btrc
Must Need Re Registration All SIM Connection in Bangladesh WithIn 10 December
All mobile phone Sim Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, Airtel Bangladesh, Teletalk Sim & Citycell RUIM will have to Need re registration their numbers by the end of this year as the government has decided to prepare a new database of subscribers to check criminal activities through cellular networks. If they fail to get their mobile numbers […]
BTRC to serve final notice to cancel Citycell licence
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission has decided to serve a final notice for licence cancellation to Citycell because of its failure to pay the government Tk 246 crore in dues. BTRC officials said that the notice, which would be issued giving a specific timeframe to respond, would ask the operator to explain why its licence would […]
BTRC Toughens Telecom Services Regulation In Bangladesh
The regulator directed operators to stop automatic renewals of different data and value added services The BTRC yesterday issued a fresh set of directives to telecom operators, laying out instructions on service and tariff for protecting the interest of consumers. The directives included restrictions against the use of ambiguous and alluring language for promotional campaigns, […]
SIM Card Unused/Inactive 2 Years Subscribers lose Ownership BTRC Notice
BTRC Notice To Mobile operators Cellular phone (Simcard) users in the country would lose the ownership on SIM (number) if it is remained inactive/Unused for two years constantly. The telecom regulator yesterday issued a directive to this end which said the operator could resell the SIM as “the ownership claiming period has been trimmed to […]
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