Airtel Call Management Services Call Forward & Divert

February 23, 2015 | By | 2 Replies More
In case you are busy in a meeting, or traveling outside of
national coverage, divert your calls to another number or your
voicemail, where you can be left messages!

Using call divert

1: Calls can be diverted to your designated number or Voicemail from
your handset. In most handsets, the “Call Divert” option usually appears
in the “Call settings” Menu. Under this menu, you will find at least
four options for call diversion –

  1. Forward All Calls
  2. When Busy
  3. No reply
  4. Not Reachable

your desired preference. As a last step, enter the number you want
your calls to be diverted to e.g. Airtel voicemail 789 or any other

Option 2: Using Keypad Options:
Scenario Activation Procedure Deactivation Procedure
While Busy **67*#, then SEND
e.g. **67*016XXXXXXXX# then SEND
Press ##67#, then SEND
While Unreachable **62*#, then SEND
e.g. **62*016XXXXXXXX# then SEND
Press ##62#, then SEND
While No Reply **61*#, then SEND
e.g. **61*016XXXXXXXX# then SEND
Press ##61#, then SEND
All calls **21*#, then SEND
e.g. **21*016XXXXXXXX# then SEND
Press ##21#, then SEND

you want to divert your calls to your voicemail instead, in each case
replace the phone number with the voicemail number, 789.

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