How To Get Advanced Taka Emergency Balance Loan Airtel SIM
Airtel has launched loan/instant/Emergency balance system if
you have less than 5 taka in your account you can take of 5tk /10tk
also you can take 25sms /75 sms /10mb /20mb Internet as loan!!!
Just Dial Airtel Bangladesh Emergency Balance Loan *141*2#
the loan only one day. Probably I will never take this loan/credit balance again from airtel.
you have less than 5 taka in your account you can take of 5tk /10tk
also you can take 25sms /75 sms /10mb /20mb Internet as loan!!!
Just Dial Airtel Bangladesh Emergency Balance Loan *141*2#
the loan only one day. Probably I will never take this loan/credit balance again from airtel.
Do people still take advance balance from airtel ?
airtel is the only company that takes interest on cash advance.
Banglalink was first, then Grameenphone. They are giving cash advance without any charges/interest. But airtel takes interest!!
Dial *141*10# to get airCredit (emergency balance or loan whatever you say).
N.B some extra charge will be taken on next balance deduction.
Category: Airtel