banglalink Helpline Call Center 121 Customer Care Now Charges Free!
Good news For All Banglalink Customer, Helpline Call Center 121 banglalink Customer Care Now Charges Free!
See All Tarrif List banglalink Helpline
See All Tarrif List banglalink Helpline
banglalink call center
we strive to give our customers the best of service and the fastest
solution. in order to do that we have state-of-the-art call center that
serves our customers 24 hours 7 days a week.
if you need assistance or want to share your banglalink experience with us, then please contact us through the following numbers/ email address/ web:
dialing no./short code/email | description | tariff | pulse |
121 | free ivr for all banglalink pre-paid, post-paid and call & control customers. customer can get various services and service related information from this number. |
free | 10 sec |
111 | helpline for all banglalink pre-paid, post-paid and call & control customers. customer can talk to a customer care representative. |
tk. 0.50/ min (free for post-paid) |
10 sec |
158 | complaint number for all banglalink prepaid & postpaid customers. customer can launch complaints through this number. | free | n/a |
7766 | promotional number for all banglalink pre-paid & post-paid customers. all promotional information is available here. | free | n/a |
175 | contact number for i-top up transaction information (for banglalink retailers only). | free | n/a |
365 | customer service over phone for banglalink retailers only. | free | n/a |
2727 | yellow pages (for all banglalink) directory service. | tk. 5.00/ min | 10 sec |
120 | sms & call back service for all banglalink subscribers. | tk. 2.00/ sms | n/a |
01911304121 | free ivr for all banglalink pre-paid, post-paid and call & control customers. customer can get various services and service related information from this number. |
free | 10 sec |
01911304111 | helpline for all banglalink pre-paid, post-paid and call & control customers. customer can talk to a customer care representative. |
tk. 0.50/ min (free for post-paid) |
10 sec |
01912999000 | only for postpaid & sme package information and sales request. | tk. 2.00/ min | 10 sec |
01920000000 | customer service over phone for icon customers only. | on-net | as per package |
01950111111 | for all kinds of international roaming related information, services & complaints. | on-net | as per package |
1200 | careline for mobile financial services of banglalink subscribers and banglalink retailers. | tk. 1.00/ min (free for retailers) |
10 sec |
1911304120 | only for mobile financial services related information, services & complaints. | tk. 1.00/ min | 10 sec |
+88 02 8820594 | fax for customer service related queries. | || | customer service related queries through email. | || | international roaming related queries through email. | || | website for icon customers only. | ||
+88 02 9888370-1, 9862325-6 | banglalink customers can also contact these phone numbers for customer services over phone. |
- all tariffs mentioned here are 15 % vat applicable
- outgoing barred post-paid customers can call at 121; pre-paid
and call & control customers can also call 121 if the connection has
sufficient balance
Category: Uncategorized
very good
Hi,, i have a problem,, help me
idont know how to buy 8 minit by 2 taka…
Dear Concern/
For the last few months I have observed banglalink charged in various way which are totally illegal & bogus. If I recharge Tk 50 or 60 it will be automatically finished within 2 days without using any call or sms. One month ago I complained to Banglalink service center & they assured me it will be checked & solved. I also told them I do not use even Internet & never activated internet , how my recharged money finished within 2/3 days and my outgoing call barred.
You gentleman please check out the problem & stop if any lekage. My Cell No. 01976980316
Hope you will co-operate me at your soonest.
Thanks & regards
Samarendra Joydhar