Grameenphone 01711 Old Number Series & Symphony D52i Handset Offers!
Grameenphone Ltd. on a test basis launches a new attractive bundle offer from 21 January , 2015. Through this offer Subscribers will be able to purchase recycled GP prepaid numbers with 01711- series along with a Symphony D52i handset at just 1700 BDT
► Grameenphone Symphony 01711 Old Series/Serial Number offer details/conditions:
- Subscribers will get this offer from 2 Grameenphone centers only (GPC Agrabad and GPC GEC More in Chittagong)
- The Grameenphone 01711 VIP sim Package offer will contain all recycled prepaid numbers
- No STAR discount will be applicable for these numbers
- There will be no other extra startup offer, freebies other than regular GP prepaid offer
- Subscribers will have to purchase 01711 series number from available stock of the numbers from the mentioned GPC’s
- Subscribers will be required to provide regular papers for SIM purchase
- One Subscribers can purchase more than one bundle
- On a test basis, initially GP has introduced this campaign in Chittagong and the offer will be available in GPC Agrabad & GPC GEC More
- Grameenphone 01711 VIP sim Package Offer will continue till stock lasts
Tags: gp 01711 OLd serial number Information, gp 01711 serial sim, Grameenphone 01711 VIP sim Package, gp 01711 sim Price Details,
Category: Uncategorized
ei offer ki ekhono ase ???
এই অফার কি এখনও আছে।
I have 01711 number for sale i will transfer ownership on your name 017110011**
Price ?
Price koto?
Asa Vai koto tk niban
01711 sri….. ase ki
০১৭১১৫২ পোস্টপেইড সিম কিনতে পারব কিবাবে
01711……no serices
আমি জিপি ০১৭১১ সিরিজের নাম্বার কিনতে চায়,পাবকি কিনতে অফারের সিম?
স্পোশাল কেটাগরিতে সি কেটাগরির মাঝে বা বি কেটাগরির মাঝে ০১৭১১ সিরিজের কোন সিম হবে?আমি কিনব,প্লিজ্্্্্্্্্্্হেল্প মি ফর নাম্বার 01813919900
we have 01711number for sale 01722662266
cal me for number list and price only khulna.
Gp 01721191533 paws jaback ke