Banglalink Inactive-Bondho Sim 19TK Racharge 2GB Free Internet & 2200 sms!

February 23, 2015 | By | Reply More
banglalink updated Inactive-Bondho sim Reactivation offer policy from 20 january 2015. now reactivate your inactive banglalink connection, which is not using from 18th october 2014 and enjoy attractive unlimited 3g internet, 2200 sms and special call rates on 19 TaKa Racharge

 ►Banglalink Inactive-Bondho Sim Racharge offer details/conditions:

• this offer is applicable for all pre-paid and call & control customers (without i-top up).

• to check if a number is eligible for this offer, type the number and send FREE SMS to 4343 from any banglalink number.

• every 19tk recharge 2 GB internet and 2200 sms can be availed once every 5 days

• all existing and new reactivated customers. customer who are already enjoying 2 GB data bonus will fall under the same condition (maximum 6 times, 30 days of the first recharge date) after launching the offer.

• customers will get internet bonus only for first 30 days from the first recharging date. (maximum 6 times)

• free 2 GB internet usable time  2am-2pm

•  special tariffs will be half paisa/sec to banglalink numbers from 5 pm – 12am and 1 paisa/sec to other numbers 24 hours will be apply

•  special tariffs and internet data validity for 10 days and sms validity for 3 days, including the day of recharge.

•  to know the remaining amount of  2GB free 3G internet, dial *124*994#

•  to know the remaining balance of 2200 free sms, dial *124*31#

•  to unsubscribe from this offer, dial *166*612#

•   if the customer recharges tk. 19 by 12am that day, then he/she will get the special tariff offer for 9 more days

•  this service cannot be availed once if customers unsubscribe from this offer

•  the previous package rates will resume once the validity of the special rates have expired

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