Robi Unlimited Bonus Free Internet Talktime SMS ON Recharge (New Connection-Bondho SIM)
On Tk. 18 or Tk. 68 recharge, new and silent prepaid customers will be able to enjoy unlimited Free Internet bonus and special call-rates.

Robi Unlimited 3G Internet Packages Bonus
- Robi-Robi bonus minute for every chargeable Robi-Robi call.
- 1 Robi-Robi SMS as bonus for every 1 chargeable Robi-Robi SMS.
- 50% internet bonus on purchase of every regular internet pack (except 4MB and 25MB internet packs).
Special Call Rate
- 1p/sec to all local numbers for 24 hours (if Tk. 18/68 is not recharged, regular flat tariff of 15p/10sec for 24 hours will prevail).
- Validities of unlimited bonus and special call-rate are 7 days in case of Tk. 18 recharge (from the recharge day) and 30 days in case of Tk. 68 recharge (from the recharge day).
Details of the Bonus Features
– Bonus minutes/SMS can be used on the same day, except the peak hours.
Peak hour time-band = 17:00 hrs (5:00 PM) to 22:00 hrs (10:00 PM).
– To check bonus minutes/SMS, dial *222*18#.
– For bonus minutes, 10 sec pulse is applicable.
– Validity of the normal standard internet pack will prevail.
– Internet bonus disbursement will require a maximum of 72 hours.
– To check internet bonus, dial *8444*88#.
Activation Bonus for new customers
– Tk. 11 for any purpose (Validity: 30 days). To check, dial *222#.
– 121 MB internet (Validity: 10 days). To check, dial *8444*88#.
– 121 SMS for any local operators (Validity: 10 days). To check, dial *222*12#.
For existing prepaid customers (except SME, Uddokta, and Easyload)
Existing prepaid customers (except SME, Uddokta, and Easyload) can also enjoy this unlimited bonus offer (except the internet bonus) by dialing *8999*4# (migration code), followed by recharging Tk. 18/68. For these migrated customers, tariff will be 15p/10sec to all operators for 24 hours (not 1p/sec).
Other conditions for silent subscribers
– Customers will get this unlimited bonus and special tariff within 72 hours of using their Robi prepaid numbers (except SME, Uddokta, and Easyload).
– Silent customers can be reactivated with any outgoing calls, SMS, or any other revenue generating activities from their silent SIMs.
– To check eligibility, customers can send free SMS from any Robi numbers in the following format: A 018XXXXXXXX to 8050.
General conditions for this offer
– VAT applicable for all charges.
– The customers eligible for this unlimited bonus offer will not be eligible for the Tk. 33 recharge-based discounted tariff.
– This offer will continue until further notice.Unlimited Bonus
Category: Uncategorized