GP New Call Rate at “Grameenphone Apon” Package
This is to inform all valued Gp customers of Apon package of Grameenphone that from now onwards customers will enjoy the following facilities and Gp call rates as below:
12 AM-4PM
GP-GP 13 paisa/10 second
Operator21 paisa/10 second
GP-GP & GP-Other 21 paisa/ 10 second
*10 second pulse will be applicable for all local mobile calls from the very first minute
*Other package users such as Smile, Nishchinto, Shohoj, Bondhu, Spondon, Amontron & djuice will be able to migrate to Aapon and vice-versa (free of charge)
*All other service charges will remain unchanged
*Customers can migrate to other packages after each 15 days
*15% VAT will be applicable in all charges
Category: Uncategorized