Grameenphone Some Changed interNet Plan
Grameenphone Some Changed interNet Plan
For Minipack 9MB BDT 9 for 3 Days Validity Dial *500*10*1# or SMS 3MB to 5000
For Minipack 25MB BDT 20/10 Days Validity Dial *500*7*1# Or SMS 15 to 5000
For 150 MB Minipack P9 BDT 99/30 Days Validity Dial *500*9*1# Or SMS 99 to 5000
For Night Time Internet P3 2GB BDT 250/Month Dial *500*3*1# Or SMS P3 to 5000
Usage Check dial *566*10# or *500*60# or type “View” or Usage send to 5000
To check EDGE subscription status and remaining volume, Dial *500*60#
To activate auto renewal feature, Dial *500*41#
To deactivate auto renew feature, Dial *500*42#
To deactivate EDGE service, Dial *500*40#
To get handset settings, Dial *500*50# or Write “All” and SMS it to 8080 or Call 121
Category: Uncategorized