Latest Robi 3G internet BONUS offer 2GB 316tk & 4GB 399taka
Any Robi Prepaid customer, who will activate recharge-based 1GB and 2GB internet packs respectively will get 100% Bonus internet along with the main internet plan.
this offer is effective from 2nd-May-2015 (00:00 Hrs) to 2nd-June-2015 (11:59 PM)
1GB@316Tk/30days : Bonus (1GB) | Total Internet : 2GB
→ activation process: recharge 316tk
2GB@399Tk/30days) : Bonus (2GB) | Total Internet : 4GB
→ activation process: recharge 399tk
** The price mentioned above is including VAT.
► more details and conditions:
• To check data balance dial *8444*88#
• Pack is available for prepaid subscribers
• Bonus will be disbursed within 72 Hrs
• User can get the bonus multiple time, by purchasing the number of time mentioned in eligibility
• Can be used in 2G/3G network environment
• 15% vat will apply
Category: Robi