Robi Call Block Services

February 25, 2015 | By | Reply More
Robi “Call Block” that Robi is offering to its
customers. It is one of the top value added services of Robi and related
to call and mobile management. I hope it will help the Robi users who
want to know about this Robi “Call Block” service that Robi is giving and try to utilize the maximum of it that are available for them.

It is your right to decide who can call you and who cannot and Robi
knows that. Hence, Robi introduces for the first time in Bangladesh
“Robi CALL BLOCK” service. It is very easy-to-use and simple service to
get rid all of your unwanted incoming calls instantly.

Robi “Call Block” in details – 

Service Charges are as follows –

The monthly subscription fee is Tk. 25 whereas weekly subscription
fee Tk. 7. Other than that, 15 day subscription fee Tk. 14 only.
Moreover, you can add to ‘Black’ or ‘White’ list at TK. 5 per number
from 11th number. It is because of the fact that 1st 10 number entries
are completely free. The standard charges for this service is at TK. 2
per SMS and IVR browsing is at TK. 2 per min. However, all charges are
excluding VAT. To add number to black list, type addb < space >
number and send that to 8181. To delete number from black list, delb
< space > number. To see current black list, bl. To add number to
white list, addw < space > number. To delete number from
white list, delw < space > number. To see current white list, wl.
Moreover, to switch to white list type swl. To switch to black list
type sbl. To un-register, type unreg and to know keywords, type help. To
activate this great service…just dial 8181 or *818# and follow the

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