Call Waiting & Holding Service On Robi

February 25, 2015 | By | Reply More
I am going to share all the informations regarding Call Waiting & Call Holding Service on Robi sim that
Robi is offering to its customers and tell you how to do it. It is one
of the top value added services of Robi and related to call and mobile
management and very important service as well. I hope it will help the
Robi users who want to know about this service of “Call Waiting” and “Call Holding” from Robi and want to use it in the near future.

Robi “Call Waiting” and “Call Holding” in details – 

Call waiting service will help a person to manage two calls at the
same time. It is a kind of service where it will let you know when
someone else is trying to get through to you but you are on a phone
call. Here, you will hear a sound or even a ring tone which alerts you
about the incoming call that you are getting. On the other hand, ‘Call
Holding’ service allows you to put your current call on hold and
depending on your choice you can either deal with the incoming call or
make a new call. It is also possible to switch alternatively from one
call to the other without terminating either of the calls. With your
handset, you can activate or deactivate call waiting service as
now-a-days most phones have this service for you. Otherwise, you can use
the codes below –

In order to activate ‘Call Waiting’ and ‘Call Hold,’ you need to
press *43# and SEND.  In order to deactivate ‘Call Waiting’ and ‘Call
Hold,’ press #43 # and SEND and lastly to check if ‘Call Waiting’ and
‘Call Hold,’ are activated or deactivated press *#43# and SEND.

Points to remember are that – there is no charge for either of these
services. However, to do that, you need to look at your mobile phone
manual to find out how ‘Call Waiting’ works on your mobile phone.

So what are you waiting for !!! Come and grab it with both hands. Because you are the ultimate winner here.

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