Customer Can Blocked unregistered SIM reactivated: BTRC
BTRC order to earlier instruction to block the unregistered SIM for 450 Days has now been withdrawn and Customer will be able to re-activate the blocked SIM cards immediately by providing biometric Registration Btrc new guidelines.
The latest BTRC guideline says those SIMs not registered with biometric tests by Tuesday can be re-registered by users within 450 days after expiry of deadline.
To re-activate the SIM within this 450-day period, applicable charges and the related tax will have to be paid.
A letter to the operators from BTRC Director Lt Col (retd) Mohammad Zulfiqar said that all unregistered SIMs will be deactivated after Tuesday midnight.
It detailed four possible steps for re-activation of these SIMs by using identity documents like passports, birth certificate or driving licenses.
If the user does not re-register the SIM within 450 days, then the operator will put it up for sale through notification.
The user can re-purchase it within 90 days after the issuance of the notification but only after completing the biometric tests.
After expiry of the total 540-day period, the operator will be able to sell off the SIM as a fresh connection to any willing buyer.
Technical preparations to de-activate all unregistered SIMs have been completed but mobile-phone operators say it may still take two additional days to de-activate the unregistered SIMs.
On Monday, a writ petition was also filed with the High Court seeking order to stop de-activation of unregistered SIM cards.
Over 100 million SIMs out of the total 132 million now in use have been re-registered according to prescribed procedures.
The Posts and Telecommunications Division made re-registration of all SIMs mandatory after biometric tests of users on Dec 16 last year.
State Minister for Telecom Tarana Halim said the move was aimed at curbing crimes using fake mobile connections.
Category: Btrc