Banglalink 3G Internet Plans & Package Launched

February 5, 2015 | By | Reply More
Banglalink 3G Internet all Package
Dial *5000# to activate preffered package

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Banglalink 3G video call : 50 paisa per 10 seconds
  *banglalink subscribers availing 3G data packs will automatically become eligible for video calling.
* once ready, just enter a number or select a number from your phone book.
* by selecting video call from your handset, the call is on.
*you can also receive a video call as long as the caller is in 3G coverage area.
*the video call may drop when a subscriber moves from 3G to 2G area.
*once you choose to make a video call, then video call tariff will be applicable as 50 paisa per 10 seconds.
*this is applicable for banglalink to banglalink calls only within 3G coverage area.
* 15% vat applicable.

Banglalink 3G Promotional Data offer Speed 1mbps
700mb 200Tk 10Days,Dial *5000*504#
2gb 350Tk 30 Days,Dial *5000*506#
6gb 750Tk 30 Days,Dial *5000*508#

Banglalink 3G Bundle pack
1GB data+300min+200SMS+200MMS 
with 30days validity at 500tk dial *132*500#

Banglalink 3G Regular Data plans : Speed 1mbps

50MB, 30Tk, 5 Days Validity,Dial *5000*501#
20 MB, 20Tk, 7Days Validity, Dial*5000*522#
200mb, 100Tk, 7 Days Validity,Dial *5000*503#
200 MB(5am -10am), 70Tk ,7 Days Validity , Dial*5000*521#
350MB, 200Tk, 10Days Validity,Dial *5000*504#
55 MB, 50Tk, 15Days Validity, Dial*5000*523#
500mb,250Tk, 15 Days Validity,Dial *5000*505#
120MB, 100Tk, 30Days Validity, Dial *5000*525#
1GB, 350Tk 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*506#
1GB(5am -10am), 200Tk, 30Days Validity,Dial*5000*526#
2GB, 550Tk 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*507#
50MB, 55 Tk, 30Days Validity , Dial*5000*524#
2GB, 650Tk, 30Days Validity, Dial*5000*528#
2 GB(10pm-10am), 300Tk, 30Days Validity, Dial*5000*527#
3GB, 750Tk, 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*508#
5GB, 950Tk, 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*509#
10GB, 1600Tk, 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*510#

3G pack balance check
to check balance dial *222*3# 
Terms & conditions
*above mentioned data packages’ tariff plan will be valid till further notice.
*subscribers will be able to enjoy the maximum speed of 1mbps.
* the speed may vary subject to device compatibility, usage pattern and subscriber location, etc.
* subscribers will be charged at tk 0.01/10kb once the quota (volume) finish before pack expires.
* to find consumed quota (volume), subscribers need to dial *222*3#.
*data packs will have auto-renewal. to stop the package, dial *5000*6#.
*subscribers need to be within 3G coverage areas to enjoy the 3G speed.
*15% vat applicable.
* to know more, dial 77666 (free)

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