How To Can GP Block SIM reactivate Biometric Registration Process
Already Many GP, banglalink, robi, airtel, teletalk, citycell Biometric unregistered Sim connections are deactivated as per Govt. directive. you can Deactivated GP sim reactivate Again by Biometric Registration/verification To reactivate go to nearest Grameenphone Biometric points! Now Gp Biometric re verification point Registration is fully Free with Grameenphone! Within 3 Hours of Registration; the numbers will be activated.
For Gp Sim Free Registration need to bring
- Deactivated SIM
- One copy Photo
- National ID copy
Grameenphone always strives to ensure uninterrupted use of your mobile use. As a responsible citizen of the state, to use mobile phone providing correct information and identification is your civic duty towards the country. Try to ensure safety and security of yours and your dear ones along with your country by providing correct information and encourage others to do the same.
1. What is biometric verification?
Ans: Biometric verification is a process of verifying customer NID information through date of birth and fingerprint with election commission database.
2. How would customer buy new SIM with biometric verification?
Ans: Before purchasing new SIM customer needs to provide valid copy of NID, date of birth and fingerprint through a device at retailer’s end. If the information is verified with election commission database customer will be eligible to purchase the new SIM.
3. From where customer can purchase new SIM with biometric verification process?
Ans: From Selected GP retail point of sales throughout the country and all GPC/GPCF/Internet point .
4. From when biometric based New SIM sale will be commercially started?
Ans: From 16th December
5. From when should we start biometric re-registration?
Ans: The timeline for biometric re-registration will be notified to customers through proper media timely.
6. What does a customer need to bring to retail point while purchasing a new SIM with biometric verification process?
Ans: Valid NID, a copy of photo and physical presence of the owner of the valid NID.
7. Is this possible to purchase a SIM for the person who doesn’t have a valid NID?
Ans: Yes. The person who doesn’t have a valid NID can purchase a SIM from Grameenphone customer care (GPC) by providing valid passport, driving license and gun license.
8. What will be activation time for new SIM?
Ans: For Prepaid connection instantly. For postpaid connection it will take maximum 72 hours to activate.
9. Do we have to fill-up a SAF?
Ans: For each new Sale, customers have to fill up SAF as per current directive.
10. Will the biometric application work in all type of internet connection?
Ans: Yes.
11. How many times can a customer provide NID, Date of birth and Finger print if it fails to verify with Election Commission Database?
Ans: Maximum 5 times. It is suggested to try with 4 fingers (right and left thumb and pointer) to do biometric verifications.
12. Will the customer receive any document after Biometric registration?
Ans: Yes, She/he will get a document of acknowledgement (copy of SAF) as well as a confirmation SMS.
13. What should be the Process for the People whose finger print doesn’t match with the election commission database?
Ans: Biometric verification is mandatory for New SIM Purchase. Hence in that case customer may buy SIM or do re-re with valid NID of relatives/FnF.
14. What will be the new sales process of corporate customers?
Ans: KCP (Key Contact Person) of the company is responsible Business connection purchase with biometric verification.
15. If the system is down, what will be the communication to the customer?
Ans: Due to technical difficulties biometric based New SIM Sale and Re-registration service is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
16. What will happen if the device is lost or damaged from retailer end?
Ans: GP will sign an agreement with distributors for device management. Accordingly distributor will sign an agreement with retailers for lost and damage case of devices.
17. What will be the SIM replacement process once a number is biometrically registered?
Ans: Once a number is biometrically registered the SIM replacement will be done by a valid biometric verification process from GPC/GPF/Internet Point. If a number is not biometrically registered the SIM replacement of the number will be done through existing process.
18. How can customer know about his registration status after biometric registration?
Ans: if any customer sends SMS to port 4949 with only NID number used during biometric new SIM sale he/she will get reply about the status.
In case of valid NID reply SMS from GP: You are already registered.
In case of invalid NID or not biometrically registered reply SMS from GP: NID not matched.
19. What type of error messages a retailer can see during biometric verification?
Ans: Depending on various verification results a retailer will see following reply messages:
SL No | Message to be shown | Reason |
1 | Congratulation Verification Successful | Registration Completed Successfully |
2 | SIM biometrics do not match | If biometric information doesn’t match with previous data |
3 | Retailer not authorized | If the retailer is not authorized by GP |
4 | SIM already activated. Press retry to correct and re-submit | If the SIM is biometrically activated Previously |
5 | NID is not valid | If NID doesn’t Match with Election Commission Database |
6 | EC service not available | If Election Commission Server is down |
7 | Technical Difficulty | Technical fault |
8 | Unable to connect Sap Service | SAP Down |
9 | System could not be reached, please try again after some time. | Technical Fault |
10 | Mobile number incorrect. Press retry to correct and re-submit | If mobile number is inputted wrongly |
11 | Request can be placed in a queue. Confirm to verify and activate SIM in 72 hours | Connection Error |
12 | NID, DoB or fingerprint did not match with EC. Press retry to correct and re-submit | If Biometric information doesn’t match with Election Commission Database |
13 | You are not authorized to sell this SIM. Press retry to correct and re-submit | If the retailer is not Authorized to sell the SIM |
14 | Unable to connect Sap Service. Request can be placed in a queue. Confirm to verify and activate SIM in 72 hours. | Technical Fault |
15 | Service is temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulty. Please try again after some time. | Connection error |
16 | NID input is not valid (2nd line) Press retry to correct and re-submit | NID is not inputted correctly |
17 | Mobile number is blacklisted and cannot be replaced. Request customer to visit nearest Service Center | If mobile number is black listed |
18 | Mobile number not biometrically verified. Request customer to visit nearest Service Center | If Thumb print doesn’t match with NID database |
Category: Grameenphone