How to Active Connect & change SSID, Password Grameenphone ZTE WIFI Pocket Router

September 8, 2015 | By | Reply More

How to Connect and change SSID and Password Grameenphone Ltd ZTE Wifi Pocket Router

A) How to Connect GP 3G Pocket Router with your Laptop
1. Switch on the Pocket router.
2.An installation window will appear
and the auto.exe will install a program named 3G Mobile Hotspot on the home screen
3. The 3G pocket router will be visible under available net work names . This name can be found as SSID in the
back, under the battery cover.
 Gp Wifi Router Setup
4.Now click on the
Connect tab of the box
A. new window will appear which will ask for the security key . This
can be found as password/WIFI Key under the back cover just below the SSID name.
 Gp Wifi Router Set up
Congratulations!!! Now your laptop is connected with GP 3G Pocket Router and you can enjoy high
speed GP 3G internet.
B) How to change the default SSID and password of GP 3G Pocket Router
1. Open the 3G Mobile Hotspot from the Home screen
2. A window with a long in screen will open. Use the word
“admin”(shown below) as password and hit log in.
 grameenphone Wifi Router Setup
3. Here please click on the setting tab for entering the configuration mode of the router.
4. Here (SSID Configuration tab) user can change his/her Network Name (SSID) as per will and then have to click
5. In this window (Security Configuration tab), user can change the default password (found in the back panel of the device and was inserted to log in at first. No need to change the security Mode.
 Gp Wifi Router Setup
6.After changing the Network Name and Password user need to click Apply.
7. Now the previous SSID Name and password are no longer valid to log in. User preferred SSID will now be visible
when the router is switched on and this time user needs to enter the new password in the Security Key box.

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