How To Lock & Unlock Incoming, outgoing call barring
How To Can Lock And Unlock Incoming, outgoing call barring Service, More than a million of subscribers using GrameenPhone & others network but nobody knows how to prevent an incoming call to avoid an unwanted person. I have a few dialing codes to stop incoming call. Please keep in mind if you try any of the dialing code below your all incoming call will be locked. Here, I wanted to share some incoming and outgoing code for Grameen phone.
Lock Your Incoming Call
Dial: *35*0000#
A confirmation message will be displayed on your mobile. The Message should be “your call barring has been activated for incoming service” or a similar message will be shown handset to handset.
To stop the outgoing call follow the step below.
Dial: *33*0000#
Same as previous you, will get a confirmation message on your mobile like ”Your outgoing call barring has been activated”. It could also be anything else, but service will be activated. Once the service active, anyone from the listed above can not call you for incoming lock & you cannot also call to any number for an outgoing lock.
The service name is call barring. you may found an option on your handset related with outgoing/incoming call barring. We have place an example of the service with GP default password. You can change your password anytime by calling **03*330*Old password* new password* new password again#
example: **03*330*0000*1122*1122#
How to unlock all type call barring?
If you want to stop call barring just dial the number below from your mobile.
Dial: #330*0000#
All kind of call lock will be unlocked. You can receive a call and make a call to others as well. Also, this service can be use separately. You just want to lock incoming call? Then make a lock by dialing the following number. When you need to unlock incoming only then dial: #33*0000#.
Please note- 0000 is your default password. You should change the password when you purchase SIM card from office or retailer. For any help regarding the service, please call your service provider customer care number. This lock has been tested with Grammenphone SIM card. Thus, others network may not support.
Category: Tips & Tricks
outgoing call not allowed what I man do now?
outgoing call barring unlock kivabe korbo?
Robi default password please..
Banglalink er call bearing kivabe lock hoy unlock o hoy